As fewer people are using checks or carrying cash, offering a safe means to give online provides a convenient method to support our church ministry.
You can give one-time or set up automatic recurring gifts. You can use a credit/debit card or make electronic bank transfers from your checking or savings account (ACH). Giving is safe and secure on our website.
Covenant Church pays the following transaction fees to process online payments. When giving, you can check a box to cover the fee if you so desire.
- For a crdit/debit card, the fee is 2.9% + $0.30/transaction and takes 2 business days to process (for example, the processing fee for a $100 gift is $3.20).
- For an electronic transfer (ACH) the fee is 1% +$0.25/transaction and takes up to 7 days to process (for example, the processing fee for a $100 gift is $1.25).
We want you to know we greatly appreciate you and your heart of generosity as you continue to support The Covenant Church and our mission of serving and growing the kingdom of God.